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Thoughts on the discussion on populism at the ICC’s international online public meeting in July

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The discussion at this international public meeting showed that it is extremely important for revolutionaries to have a clear grasp of the phenomenon of populism (and the rise of the far right). The debate gave rise to different interpretations of the populist phenomenon and its significance. We are publishing here two contributions from close sympathisers, which provide a clear defence of the ICC’s analysis of the phenomenon.

Racism, anti-racism, weapons of the ruling class

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We are publishing this contribution by a close sympathiser who was moved to write it in response to the barrage of bourgeois propaganda about the racist riots in Britain and the response by the main factions of the ruling class. We fully endorse its clear denunciation of this ideological attack, as well as the article's exposure of the true "record" of capitalism when it comes to the mass killing of children.

In memory of our comrade Enrique

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It is with deep regret that we inform our sympathisers and readers of the death, at the age of 74, of our comrade Enrique. His unexpected death has put a sudden end to more than 50 years of dedication and contribution to the struggle of the world proletariat


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